intelligent demand forecast (IDF)

Maximize your capacity and energy value during peak usage periods with intelligent AI forecasting.

Leverage AI-Powered Forecasting

Maximize Your Capacity and Value

Accurately Predict Peak Events

Maintain Affordability

Cut Costs by efficiently managing peak times

Ensure you have the most accurate and timely data to identify all coincident peak (CP) events, while minimizing false peak notifications that unnecessarily reduce electric usage.  Be proactive with AI-powered demand forecasting.  Connect with an expert and see how it works.

Easy-to-use solutions for complex challenges

IDF users see a very clean and easy to navigate dashboard, displaying charts and graphs showing monthly and daily comparisons of actual versus predicted load as well as an hourly 14-day load forecast.  They are also presented with precise recommendations on what corrective action to take when needed.


An Intelligent Demand Forecast AI-enabled solution is used to identify the causal patters in the load data and the impact of weather data to develop several AI bots that achieve more accurate forecasting to optimize load control for peak notifications.


Let our experienced consultants map business problems to technical solutions and deliver maximum business value.  Our Solutions offerings come with a framework and toolkit for solving challenges in a specific vertical or domain.  Build custom and analytical systems that enable efficient data management and maintenance for cluster infrastructure.  Tap into a specialized skillset and use our years of experience focused on Big Data Analytics and Data Science.